Luxurious Prison

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How can you warm to the prisoners who are held at this preposterous prison? As the sun entitled top of the page, everyone would kill for this realm, aiming at conviction. If only I had such considerable amounts of money as spent on this crazy prison, I would invest the money to the research of triskaidekaphobia!


I bought two blue jeans of levi's yesterday. Although they were iota expensive(\15000/\10000), nevertheless the quality of cloth was utterly different from mediocre ones. The shopkeeper also recommended me buy Edwin's, I don't fancy Brad Pitt, so it was a bad proposal. 20 minutes later was clothing the jeans. Since the description of jeans says "W:73, H:88, L:83", I presumed that my length of legs was not enough to meet that of jeans, I could clothe myself easily. It might be able to ascribe the reason to my height. Oh talking of which, I failed to mention my height. At the moment, I'm 182.5cm and 62kg.

Americas: Gay Marriage- Let's be realistic

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Gay marriage... First of all, I am not a gay or any kind of that people. I am heterosexual and the opponent of my love relationship has been always girls and it will be immutable.

So as majority of people do, I've got the view that people who regard their love relationship opponents as the same sex are abnormal. However, I have to say that Bush's view that that things can devastate the standard of marriage is false.

言葉の壁: Language barrier between me and one french girl...

There is a Japanese phrase which describes a lackadaisical man like me... Now, I'm in the epitome of that situation though! 【3日坊主】"MIKKABOUZU" refers to the man with the tendency to forget things so soon, or being easily to get bored-;

Whatever, I can attribute the reason to the situation which couldn't have me have the time on the internet... To be more concise, I have been so busy.

Well, to go back to the entitled point of today's web log, I'd like to spell out the relationship with one french girl today.

I encountered her at the Yahoo France almost 6 weeks ago. Since I only knew the words like "bonjour, bonsoir, bon, merci...", it can be said that I hadn't even a piece of language knowlege of french. But in contrast to my glimpse, most of french do speak English so eloquently... nevertheless, bit fractured one. Thus our transaction became automatically in English. I found immediately after we met that almost all of french is utterly amenable so we could be messenger friends readily. She is the same old as me (16) and had me watch her picture. Her looks was model-like and superficially older than me. But French are like that. They are prone to have precocious face and body..., Japanese has got exactly reverse things merely though! Anyway, the encounter was such intriguing one and I feel as if I can build more special relationship with her-.

Regard of Michael Howard (Tory Leader) towards Europe Union

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What do you make of this?

As far as I am concerned, Michael Howard is too facetious to continue his position and I believe that facetiousness is appreciated by MPs. However, it looks like he degraded his popularity by his "I believe in" thoughts on the Times.

As most of Brits think, I believe Michael is still embracing the "elitism" and so does Conservative Party.


Oh, I had skipped my diary for several days.

I enroled in the special class for one test...The class teacher gave me a lot of assingments, but they are invigorating.

By the way, I was asked by one of my girlfriends "How many chocolates are given to you for the valentine?" Its number changes annually so I couldn't answer that question... But it reminds me of "curse of chocolate"...



I found an intriguing word which utterly made me laugh as I read the book (I eschew naming you though), let me inform you about it! ---"Demivierge"

The following is the difinition of this word from the internet dictionary-


[noun] a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual activity but retains her virginity
[ETYMOLOGY: 20th Century: French, literally: half-virgin]

For those who cannot comprehend English...



I was aghast since it was in such the epitome of erudite books... whilst I found French is fascinating as looks like it has a lot of words that have so specific meanings.

But to put things into perspective, this word reminds one girl who was around me...